INS Posters

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International Neuropsychological Society (INS) 2015 Posters

Enhancing Emotional Intelligence via Brief Internet-Based Training

Author: William D.S. Killgore


Emotional Intelligence is Associated with Coordinated Resting State Activity Between Emotion Regulation and Introceptive Experience Networks

Author: William D.S. Killgore


Microstructure of Frontoparietal Connections Predicts Individual Resistance to Sleep Deprivation

Authors: Jiaolong Cui and William D.S. Killgore


Looking for Evil Intent: Emotional Intelligence and the Use of Socially Relevant Facial Cues During an Emotional Decision-Making Task

Author: Anna Alkozei


Emotional Intelliigence and Subliminal Presentations of Social Threat

Author: Anna Alkozei


Engaging in Meditation and Internet-Based Training as a Means of Enhancing Emotional Intelligence

Author: John R. Vanuk


Napping in Conjunction with Brief Internet-Based Training as a Means of Enhancing Emotional Intelligence

Author: John R. Vanuk


Visuospatial Reasoning as a Mediator Between Emotion Recognition and Emotional Intelligence

Author: Derek Pisner


The Contribution of General Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence to the Ability to Appreciate Humor

Author: Bradley Shane


Sleep Onset Latency and Duration are Associated with Self-Perceived Invincibility

Author: Sarah Markowski