When do conversations about Biden, Trump veer into ageism?

trump and biden

By Mark Brodie

Arizona’s Presidential Preference Election is on Tuesday. Both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have won enough delegates to become their party’s presumptive nominees, which could take a little of the air out of Tuesday's contest. But Arizona is widely expected to be a swing state again this fall, meaning both campaigns will be paying a lot of attention to us here.

And more and more of the conversation about this race seems to focus not on the candidate’s policies, but rather on their ages. And more specifically, whether they’re up for the job of president. Critics of both candidates point to instances where the other has mistaken names or slipped up in a speech or in response to a question.

Jordan F. Karp, MD, professor and chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the College of Medicine – Tucson, is interviewed about myths and science surrounding the perceived age-related cognitive decline of the 2024 presidential candidates.

3/18/2024 | KJZZ-Radio (Phoenix, AZ)
3/18/2024 | KAWC-Radio (Yuma, AZ)

Release Date: 
03/18/2024 - 12:00pm