September 13, 2013 - Congratulations to the members of our faculty who were named in Tucson Lifestyle magazine among the local physicians as listed in Best Doctors in America for 2013. Department Chair, Ole Thienhaus, MD, MDA, says, “I want to highlight this accomplishment as a reminder that, when all is said and done, that the base of building an outstanding clinical program in an academic setting must be the competence of our clinicians.”
They are:
Mark Gilbert, MD, FRCP(c)
Steven Herron, MD
Marianne Klugheit, MD
Richard Lane, MD, PhD
John Misiaszek, MD
Francisco Moreno, MD
Barry Morenz, MD
Tim Mueller, MD
Kathy Smith, MD
Karen Weihs, MD
Tucson Associates
Dianne Keller, MD
Kevin Leehey, MD
Ann Lettes, MD
Best Doctors is a peer review survey of the medical profession that contacts more than 45,000 doctors and asks the following question: “If you or a loved one needed a doctor in your specialty, to whom would you refer them?” All doctors in the Best Doctors database are checked for licensing and certification requirements, clinical activity and for any disqualifying disciplinary actions. A combination of technology and confidentiality encourages complete and candid responses. See the full 2013 list here.