The Institute for Mental Health Research (IMHR) has opened its Fall 2022 grant competition and will award up to $600,000 in grants for innovative research in mental health.
These grants are available to credentialed investigators in the state of Arizona associated with any recognized research or health institution in the state. This funding mechanism is specifically meant to seed, through substantial pilot activity, research that will lead to significant subsequent funding from federal agencies such as NIH or NSF or other major national philanthropic organizations.
IMHR was established in 2001, and over the past 20 years has encouraged and supported innovative seed research in mental health that has both advanced the field and led to major national funding to pursue more extensive efforts. The successes to date have been remarkable. IMHR has provided over $2.5 million to Arizona scientists, and this investment in state scientific talent has resulted in greater than a 10:1 return on investment.
Priority Areas of Interest
IMHR is focusing on five broad areas: 1) child and adolescent mental health, 2) aging and mental health, 3) addiction, 4) the intersection of mental and physical illnesses; and 5) mental health disparities relevant to Arizona. Although applications can address any aspect of the areas described above, IMHR is especially interested in approaches that involve prevention science, personalized intervention, informatics, and use of technology in mental health. Applications can range from basic to clinical research within the priority areas noted, but applications must be clear about which area is being addressed. Applications that address multiple areas are encouraged.