Thursday, July 11
4 p.m.: Check-in (early arrivals will be accommodated)
6:30-8 p.m.: Taliesin Suite: Welcome & Dinner
Friday, July 12
6:30-6:45 a.m.: Check out (bags held at bell desk)
6:45-7:30 a.m.: Breakfast & Welcome
- 7:45-8:10 a.m.: Advanced Treatments, Limited Reach: Access in Interventional Psychiatry
Lisa Harding, MD
8:10-8:15 a.m.: Q&A - 8:15-8:40 a.m.: Managing Late Life Depression in the Era of Clinical Complexity
Eric Lenze, MD
8:40-8:45 a.m.: Q&A - 8:45-9:10 a.m.: EEG Gamma Oscillations as a Prognostic Marker for IV Ketamine in Treatment-Resistant Depression
Sanjay J. Mathew, MD
9:10-9:15 a.m.: Q&A - 9:15-9:40 a.m.: Neurosteroids and Postpartum Depression: The Brexanolone and Zuranolone Journey from Bench to Bedside
Samantha Meltzer-Brody, MD, MPH
9:40-9:45 a.m.: Q&A
9:45-10:10 a.m.: Break & Discussion
- 10:15-10:40 a.m.: Digital Mental Health for Depression
David C. Mohr, PhD
10:40-10:45 a.m.: Q&A - 10:45-11:10 a.m.: Building the Bridge Between Primary Care and Interventional Psychiatry: How Can Measurement-Based Care Help?
Manish Jha, MD
11:10-11:15 a.m.: Q&A - 11:15-11:40 a.m.: Interventional Neuropsychiatry
Nolan Williams, MD
11:40-11:45 a.m.: Q&A - 11:45-12:10 a.m.: Optimizing Recovery: Comprehensive Care Pathways for Depression at The OSU Depression Recovery Center
Jay Fournier, PhD
12:10-12:15 p.m.: Q&A
12:15-1:15 p.m.: Lunch & Discussion
- 1:20-1:45 p.m.: The Case for Surgical Neuromodulation Options in Treatment-Resistant Depression
Patricio Riva Posse, MD
1:45-1:50 p.m.: Q&A - 1:50-2:15 p.m.: Transition States and Reprogramming Neural Systems: Lessons from the MidLife Female Brain
Roberta Diaz Brinton, PhD
2:15-2:20 p.m.: Q&A - 2:20-2:45 p.m.: Algorithms for TRD Treatment Success - Lessons from the Veterans Health Administration
Ilse Wiechers, MD, MPP, MHS
2:45-2:50 p.m.: Q&A
2:50 p.m.-3:00 p.m.: Break
- 3:00-3:30 p.m.: Discussion & Next Steps