EPICenter: Educational Videos on Early Psychosis

The following collection of informational videos provide an overview of early onset psychosis for teens, parents & caregivers, and educators. Please reach out to us at 520-694-1234 x7 if you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of early onset psychosis.

The photos used on our website and in our videos are stock images intended for illustrative purposes only. Anyone depicted in the photos is a model.

Psicosis Temprana: Causas, Síntomas y Tratamiento Video para Familias (En Español)

Helping Your Loved One with Early Psychosis

Psychosis & Sleep: A Short Introduction

Psychosis 101 for Teens

Seeing Shadows, Hearing Whispers: Psychosis 101 for Parents & Caregivers

Early Onset Psychosis Orientation for Educators

Banner - University Medicine Whole Health Clinic
535 N. Wilmot Rd. Suite 201, Tucson, AZ 85711
520-694-1234 x7
For more information about the program and intake referrals, please contact Dr. Perez at (520) 694-1784 or email Gustavo.Perez@bannerhealth.com.